Pastoral Team
Pastor: Fr. Paul MacNeil

I was appointed as pastor of Our Lady of the Scapular parish in November 2015 and I am delighted to be here. Before that, I was pastor of St. Ann's parish in Fenwick Ontario, a small but loving community about 30 minutes from here. I was born and raised in St. Catharines and ordained to the priesthood in 1999. Currently I am Chair of the Niagara Catholic District School Board and I'm working on my PhD in Religious Studies at McMaster University. As your pastor, my first priority is just to listen, to get to know you and understand the best way for me to serve you and to bring you closer to each other and to God through Christ.

6557 Thorold Stone Road
Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2J 1B2
Phone: 905-358-7611 • Fax 905-358-7679
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm
(We are closed from 12:00 - 1:00pm for lunch)
**Fridays 9:00am to 12:00pm
Are you interested in Becoming Catholic?
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Information for 2024-2025 Program
We welcome you!
This year we will receive new Catholics at our Easter Vigil Mass, Saturday, April 19th at 5:00pm.
​All sessions take place on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the parish hall unless otherwise noted:
(1) THE SEARCH FOR HAPPINESS [“Film 1” in Series: click here to view]
The impossibility of sitting still. What is happiness? How to press the pause button.
(2) THE EXISTENCE OF GOD [“Film 2” in Series: click here to view]
Why bother thinking about religion? Five reasons not to believe in God. Arguments for the existence of God?
(3) A GOD WHO SPEAKS? [“Film 3” in Series: click here to view]
The hiddenness of God. When God broke the silence. Discovering the face of God.
(4) WHO IS JESUS? [“Film 4” in Series: click here to view]
He came to bring life to the world. The Saving Death of Jesus. The light of the Resurrection.
(5) THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE CHURCH [“Film 5” in Series: click here to view]
How the Holy Spirit can change your life. No one gets into heaven alone. Why we need signs, symbols and sacraments.
(6) THE BIBLE [“Film 6” in Series: click here to view]
What is the bible? Can we trust the bible? How the bible can change your life.
(7) THE GIFT OF FAITH [“Film 7” in Series: click here to view]
What is faith? Are Christians just stupid or are there good reasons to believe? How to take a step of faith.
(8) THE POWER OF PRAYER [“Film 8” in Series: click here to view]
What is prayer? Does prayer make a difference? How to pray.
(9) FINDING TRUE FREEDOM [“Film 9” in Series: click here to view]
Is there such a thing as right and wrong? Where can we find moral guidance? How do you discover your true identity?
(10) THE MEANING OF LOVE [“Film 10” in Series: click here to view]
What is love? How to love your neighbour. Knowing the love of God.
(11) THE LIGHT OF CHRIST [“Film 11” in Series: click here to view]
The Christian Creed. The Light of Christ. The Holy Trinity.
(12) CREATION, FALL, SALVATION [“Film 12” in Series: click here to view]
A – The goodness of creation. B – Suffering and sin. C – The gift of salvation.
(13) THE COMMUNITY OF THE CHURCH [“Film 13” in Series: click here to view]
Why do we need the Church? The special place of the Catholic Church. Being Catholic today.
(14) THE SACRAMENTS OF BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION [“Film 14” in Series: click here to view]
The power of the sacraments and the liturgy. How baptism can change your life. Confirmation and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
(15) THE HOLY EUCHARIST [“Film 15” in Series: click here to view]
The meaning of the Mass. The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
(16) FORGIVENESS, HEALING AND MISSION [“Film 16” in Series: click here to view]
Forgiveness and the Sacrament of Confession. Healing and the Sacrament of the Sick. Christian mission and the call to share our faith.
(17) THE CHRISTIAN VOCATIONS [“Film 17” in Series: click here to view]
The meaning of vocation. Marriage and family life. Ordination and consecrated life.
(18) THE SOCIAL TEACHING OF THE CHURCH [“Film 18” in Series: click here to view]
The dignity of the human person and the right to life. Christian teaching about family and society. Speaking the truth and following conscience.
(19) HOW TO PRAY [“Film 19” in Series: click here to view]
The amazing adventure of prayer. Four basic ways of praying. Prayers and devotions to help you through the day.
(20) MARY AND THE HOPE OF HEAVEN [“Film 20” in Series: click here to view]
Death, judgment, and our longing for eternal life. Holiness, the saints, and our hope for heaven. What Catholics believe about the Blessed Virgin Mary.
**Copied from, for more information please visit their website at
RCIA candidates will need a sponsor -- a friend or relative who is catholic, to accompany them on their journey. We can help you with this as well.